Payment App Scams
Some scammers may attempt to trick you into sending them money through a mobile payment app. That’s because they know once you do, it’s hard for you to get your money back.
Tips For Avoiding Payment App Scams
A scammer might
- Pretend to be a loved one who’s in trouble and ask you for money to deal with an emergency.
- Say you won a prize or a sweepstakes but need to pay some fees to collect it.
- Use malware. Malicious software can infiltrate company networks and gain access to legitimate email threads about billing and invoices. That information is then used to time requests or send messages, so accountants or financial officers don’t question payment requests. Malware also lets criminals gain undetected access to a victim’s data, including passwords and financial account information.
- Create fake websites and links to lure you to perform an online transaction.
- Pose as Dime or its partners to contact you to pay with a gift card.
- “Spoof” the Dime customer contact phone number to call you and pose as Dime. They will try to gain access to your login information, and ultimately your accounts.
What to look for
- Fraudsters may contact you, claiming to represent a fraud department or merchant. They may ask you to confirm sensitive information, such as your bank account username and password, credit or debit card data, or Social Security numbers.
- Scammers posing as a legitimate business may request a P2P payment for a product or service. Once they receive your money, you never receive what you paid for, and they disappear.
- A scammer “accidentally” sends you money on a P2P service and asks you to send the money back. Never send back the money, and instead contact the P2P service about the error.
What you can do
- Enroll for free in the federal do-not-call list at www.donotcall.gov. This can help limit the number of scam calls you receive.
- If you receive a Robocall, hang up the phone, block their number, then report the phone number to your provider.
How to report
- Cash App recommends chatting through their app for the fastest service. To do so, open the app, go to your profile, and choose Support. You can report scams by visiting cash.app/outsmart-scams or get help through cash.app/help.
- Venmo recommends chatting through their app for the fastest service. To do so, open the app, go to your profile, and choose Get Help. You can also get help by visiting this webpage or by emailing Venmo through their contact form.
- For PayPal you can report fraud online by visiting paypal.com/us/security/report-fraud or through the PayPal’s Resolution Center.
- For Zelle® Immediately report suspicious activity to Zelle® Support. If you authorized a payment, you can report the scam here.
Other Scams to be on the look out for
Stay informed and stay safe! Scammers keep evolving their tactics, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest scams in order to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Fraud Prevention Solutions
Your security is our top priority. That’s why Dime offers fraud prevention solutions that can help you identify, report, and prevent fraud.
Positive Pay
Check-based fraud prevention by matches checks presented for payment against a list of checks issued by your business.
Learn MoreACH
Positive Pay
Prevent fraud related to ACH transactions by using our system, which enables your business to monitor and manage such transactions. You can use filters and blocks to ensure that all ACH transactions posted in your account are legitimate.
Learn MoreDebit Card
Protection from identity theft and unauthorized spend.
• ID theft protection*
• Zero liability protection**
• Fraud monitoring text alerts
Learn MoreSavvy
The first step toward improving your credit is understanding your credit. That’s why Dime online banking includes Savvy Money. A service that helps users access their rating, learn the factors most impacting it, and how to improve it.
Learn More* Terms, conditions, limitations and in some cases enrollments are applicable – please see the Mastercard Guide to Benefits for Debit Cardholders.
** You’re not responsible for unauthorized transactions that you promptly report to us if you have taken ordinary care of your card and PIN.